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BPO Insights by Enshored

Enshored Pledge Support For Afghan Refugees

Enshored Pledge Support For Afghan Refugees

The Enshored team is proud to share that we are supporting 20 Afghan Women to escape Afghanistan and resettle in Ireland.


The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is having a devastating impact on the freedoms and empowerment of women. While we are helpless to support at a macro level, we are determined to help where we can. This is why Enshored has backed 20 Afghan refugees to escape the country.


We are committed to supporting these women & their families in the long term and our initial donation of $20k will go towards supporting the resettlement costs, including flights, housing, clothes, education and other essentials. The refugees will be starting a new life in Ireland, one of the few countries who are currently offering a new home for Afghan refugees in need. 


Ascend is a fantastic organization and we are proud to be working with them on this.


Who are Ascend?


Ascend is a US based not-for-profit organization working in Afghanistan to empower young women through athletic based leadership training. They deliver high quality, high impact leadership training through an athletics-based curriculum to help Afghan women reach their potential. As the crisis in Afghanistan has developed, they’ve been working tirelessly to evacuate their team.

“I feel fortunate to be in a position where I can help in some way. In this world of selfishness and a focus on individual rights over community obligation, Ascend’s work is showing the way forward and I’m delighted that we can support them. Underground Railroad, Hotel Rwanda and Schindler’s List all come to mind as I think of the work being done and risks taken for others. I look forward to working with Ascend and following the process as it moves forward.”

Ian Jackson, CEO, Enshored

“In the face of heartbreak in Afghanistan, every donation and offer of support we receive provides inspiration and hope. We are incredibly grateful. Enshored’s support of this effort leaves us humbled and committed to success.”

Marina LeGree, Executive Director, Ascend – Leadership Through Athletics


Ascend still need support. 

You can help – 

  1. Donate – no matter how big or small, every donation is appreciated and will help to change the lives of these families. 
  2. Spread the word – share the campaign on social media to help raise awareness and help Ascend reach their fundraising goal 

 Learn more about the campaign here: https://fundrazr.com/51sz6a?ref=ab_5AcvHe


To stay up to date with the progress the team are making, please like  on Facebook (Ascend: Leadership Through Athletics) and follow on Twitter & Instagram (@afghan_ascend).

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