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BPO Insights by Enshored

Innovation in a changing healthcare landscape

HealthTech in the fast lane

Healthcare has had to innovate throughout Covid-19 and as shifting consumer behavior drives rapid change, growth in this field is exponential.

In the post-pandemic landscape, many industries are facing unprecedented disruption, with few as impacted as healthcare. One of the emerging trends of 2021 is the drive to take charge of individual health more than ever before.

The mobile health apps market is forecast to grow from $48 billion in 2021 to $149 billion in 2028 and this expansion reflects widescale behavioral changes. Health apps are increasingly used to perform tasks conventionally performed by general practitioners such as promoting health, disease prevention, lifestyle management, diagnosis, monitoring, and support for health services. 

Empowered patients

People living with complex conditions, such as diabetes or Parkinson’s disease, are finding empowerment in integrating digital support and monitoring with medical support.

Healthcare providers have recognized the power in partnership – where patients collaborate with the medical team to develop and monitor their health on highly individualized apps.

Healthcare apps enable people to monitor their illness, connect with specialists when they need to, and plug into a network of peers to understand and share what works for other people living with similar challenges.  
One in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.  The app SkinVision empowers people to check skin spots for signs of skin cancer. Its technology analyses their photos and provides an instant risk assessment and advice on what they need to do next. According to Enevoldson, the service has a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 78%, well above that of a GP (sensitivity 60%), a dermatologist (sensitivity 75%) and even a specialist dermatologist (sensitivity 92%). 

Start ‘em young

The early days of parenthood are uniquely challenging, and there are a host of apps to support people through these first few months. Even in the best-resourced healthcare systems, there is a limit to in-person support and advice available. 

The Night Feed app is an app set up to help breastfeeding moms through the nighttime feeds when it can feel like the rest of the world is asleep. It aims to link moms into a community that is up at night, share content, chat online, post questions to experts, and provide soothing playlists for mum and baby while providing practical tools to line an online record of the baby’s feeding patterns. 

Instant access

We expect to be able to deal with all of our lives’ essential events on our phones. Gen Z is particularly connected with 95% of US Gen Z owning a smartphone. A long or complex user experience is a sure-fire way to lose prospects or customers with queries.  
Healthapp offers on-demand healthcare and promises access to a doctor or specialist within minutes of contacting them. Today, It uses AI to interview and triage patients. The AI informs one of HealthTap’s doctors in a virtual consultation over text chat, audio-only, or video with audio and text to connect doctors with patients. The doctor then provides a treatment plan and next steps for follow-up. Members can pay a monthly subscription or per visit.

A bright future

Mobile health apps are among the fastest-growing categories in the market, driven by a customer requirement for urgency, access, and simple user experience. With studies showing that growing numbers of people would prefer to use their phone than visit a doctor (a UK study shows that 26% of the UK public would use health apps instead of visiting a GP or hospital), there are huge opportunities for start-ups.

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Enshored is built to support disruptive start-ups.

We augment, build and support customized customer experience for digital CX.

We provide the people, the culture, the operating system for seamless omni-channel support.


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