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BPO Insights by Enshored

Customer Service In Europe

Great customer service is extremely important, especially if you want to retain customers and gain value from them. Great customer service results in positive reviews and the chance to attract new customers. In this blog post, we will be discussing the key trends in Europe for customer service. 


In 2023, when it comes to customer service, customers now expect an almost instant reply, especially when it comes to communicating over social media. Consumers want things done quickly and as fast as possible, especially if they have a problem that needs sorting. In a survey that was taken at the beginning of the year, 90% of customers rated immediate response as important or very important when they have a customer service enquiry. To ensure that you respond to customers as quickly as possible, it would be a good idea to utilise the live chat software tool in order to provide quick responses. This helps to contribute to a positive customer service experience. 


It is important to note that customer service wait times have tripled and this is due to staff shortages because of the recent pandemic. If your budget allows you to, consider hiring more staff to help bring down the call waiting times as this will please your customers and they will more than likely use your business again. 


Customers are now becoming more environmentally conscious. Consumers are now altering their buying decisions on how the business operates, how they design their services and the operations that are in place. This will eventually turn into a shift in customer preferences, which will go on to create an ongoing cycle of change. If you are a business, you should start planning for this now. In a survey that was taken in 2020, 45% said that they try to find brands and businesses that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly brands are more likely to find customers that are loyal and will continue to use your business. 


Always remember that customer experience and service should be your top priority. Businesses need to have a dedicated team working on improving their business customer service. This could be improving things like website speed and responding quickly. Improving your customer service can help your business to retain your customers.


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