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BPO Insights by Enshored

Work from home “hero of the day” – Team Captain Cindy Zaremalekabadi saves her team

CEO Ian Jackson mentioned Cindy Zaremalekabadi via email sent to all employees recently as one of the new heroes of the day who made extraordinary efforts to support the team on how the company was adapting to the WFH situation. 

“Cindy Zaremalekabadi, our TC for Paddle, did such a great job with getting the Paddle team primed for WFH, including self-directing the logistics”

Ian Jackson

Cindy shared her reaction and said, “I am just doing my responsibility. I am responsible to make sure that the team is safe…their families are safe. In this global pandemic, it’s important to do our duty which is not to spread the disease. Some have the option to WFH, others are probably still working in the office. But for those who can, STAY AT HOME as much as possible.”

One account has been supported by the client to operate 100% in a WFH from home mode. The overall feedback is good on the work from home experience so far. Enshored is working on how best to manage communications within teams and training, using the tools at our disposal including hangouts, Loom and Zoom. 

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